Thursday, August 23, 2007

Asus Ultra-Leves por 199 dolars!!!

Segundo esta noticia, a Asus vai vender portatéis Ultra Leves por 199 dolars...

Basicamente este PC possui as seguintes características:

  • 7" LCD Display
  • 900MHz Celeron-M ULV (Ultra Low Voltage) 353
  • Intel 910 Chipset
  • 512MB DDR2-400 RAM
  • 4, 8, or 16GB solid-state storage
  • ASUS-customized, Xandros-derived Linux OS
  • Dimensions: 225x165x21-35mm
  • Weight: ~2 lbs
  • Colors: White, Black

Monday, August 13, 2007

Turn your computer into a media center PC with GeeXBoX 1.1

GeeXBoX, a small media center Linux live CD distribution, can run from any small device, such as a USB disk or a wallet CD-R, and can play both disk-based media like DVDs and online media like Icecast streams.

You can see more here.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

"Good news, everyone!"

Here is a story about building Bender robot. This, as everyone should know, is the foul mouthed, cigar smoking, booze drinking, shiny metal arsed, bending robot from the programme Futurama.

Building Beer Brewing Bender

Friday, August 3, 2007

One of the reasons that i´m being so

No, it's not more a Internship during two months at a software company....let's give you a clue...

Exemplo de software livre numa escola secundária

Mais um exemplo de implementação de Software Livre numa escola secundária, onde eles próprios icentivam outras escolas a seguirem o mesmo modelo...
Este artigo retrata a experiência de utilização de software livre, neste caso a distribuição Ubuntu...
