Thursday, May 29, 2008

Linux MCE - UTAD

Yesterday I did it a small lecture about multimedia centers on GNU/Linux. Me and my gang (GLUTAD-USERS) choose to demonstatre Linux MCE.
a free and open source software platform designed to allow a computer to act as an HTPC (Home Theater PC), personal video recorder, and home automation system. It allows control of everything in the home, from lighting and climate to surveillance cameras and home security. It even includes a full-featured phone system with video conferencing.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Is there...

The new single from Sigur Ros from the new album is now available to download...
The new single is called "Gobbledigook". This new music is quite differant with old songs, I think this album will be more "happy" that all others...

Monday, May 26, 2008

In the trails of Xacobeum, once again...

OK I did it again but at this time the story is quite different. This last Saturday I make 76 km without any kind of supplies on my bike like food or mechanical tools. You probably think that I am mad, you probably are right... :P


OK I explain what happens, this short story begins with a small trip around my town, Esposende with my friend João Torres. But we decide that we can do more...we decided to go to a small sanctuary located in the small village of Balazar, Póvoa de Varzim.

After 30 km we decided to do trails of Xacobeum between São Pedro de Rates and Barcelos, thats 17 km between forests and smalls villages. It's fantastic the trail... the rain came to help us...

After many Km we arrived at home... Esposende... (6:30)

Friday, May 23, 2008

The South Pole - Daily Comic Strip

Basically, it is a story around three main characters who live on the 7th continent: Antarctica. A penguin named Linus ; Bob, a polar bear born in Greenland; and Scott, a white fox.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Twittering from the Command Line

You can see in this article, how easy is to twittering from the command line. If you don't know what is twittering you can find here more information.

Good twitting for all...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Nem só de Futebol vive Portugal !!!

João Garcia no cume do Makalu
O alpinista português João Garcia alcançou hoje, 19, pelas 11 horas locais, o cume do Makalu, o quinto pico mais alto do planeta.
A ascensão bem sucedida aos 8463m desta montanha situada na fronteira do Nepal com o Tibete coloca Garcia mais perto do seu objectivo de escalar todos os 14 cumes acima dos 8000 metros – já soma dez.

É sem dúvida um dos melhores alpinistas de Alta Montanha do Mundo. Já só faltam 4 picos e é o 8ª mellhor de sempre ...

Força Garcia !!!

Blog da Expedição:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

pr0g80X.vid episode0.3 is OUT !!!

The videocast from Pete Savage is now available for download.


What good music we make in Portugal

Dead Combo are a band from Lisbon, Portugal. They released the new album "Lusitânia Playboys" on the last month of April. This new record have 15 tracks that take us to a new trip beyond unknow places.

The music of Dead Combo is like a soundtrack witout movie but with a full images on it.

Dead Combo - Putos a roubar maças

More info:

Friday, May 9, 2008

How to Select a Fastest Mirror in Debian

If you want a fastest mirror in Debian to install your debian packages or update your Operating System. You can use netselect-apt, you can find in this tutorial a way to perform this operation.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I tweet


Como todos já sabem, pelo menos os entusiastas da distribuição Debian, foi publicado na página da Comunidade Portuguesa de Utilizadores de Debian GNU/Linux, uma notícia referente a um encontro que pretende reunir todos os interessados pela Distribuição Debian ou pelo projecto Debian em geral.

Por isso para provar a minha satisfação por esta notícia, resolvi fazer a seguinte imagem:
Como muitos já reparam, a ideia foi inspirada na imagem que circula na Internet, relacionada com a DebConf.

Por isso deixo aqui o repto, se me for permitido pela Comunidade, de lançar a ideia para quem quiser melhorar a imagem, pois esta não esta com a qualidade pretendida, ou mesmo para fazer uma nova imagem.

Com essa nova imagem que a divulguem nos seus blogs, ajudando desta forma a promover cada vez mais o encontro. Para que tenha o sucesso pretendido pelos organizadores.

Por isso boas "pixeladas"...

Nota: Peço a todos que tomarem iniciativa semelhante que deixem um comment a este post, com o link da nova imagem, ou do blog.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How To Resize ext3 Partitions Without Losing Data

This article is a good reference to people who don' t use LVM (Logical Volume Manager) and needs to resize ext3 partitions without losing data.

There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!