Thursday, June 23, 2011

"The Debian Administrator's Handbook"

"The Debian Administrator's Handbook" is the title of the translation of the French best-seller known asCahier de l'admin Debian. Written by two Debian developers—Raphaël Hertzog and Roland Mas—it's a fantastic resource for all users of a Debian-based distribution.

Friday, June 17, 2011

SparkleShare - File Sync and Sharing online

SparkleShare is an open source tool to synchronize your files in the cloud and it can use a GitHub, Gitorious or your own private GIT server.

It’s designed to make sharing documents and collaboration easier, and to make peers aware of what you are doing. It allows you to instantly sync with any Git repository you have access to. The user interface and features are made to support this goal.

Dropbox is a great cloud based file syncing application. The only problem is you have to pay for more storage over the 3GB you get free. It’s great to be able to get access to your files from any web browser or smart phone.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Project: BlueBubble

When I was reading my RSS Feeds,  I had found the following project on, called BlueBubble. This project it's an effort to bring back the Gnome 2.32 desktop in Fedora 15, but why?
Juan "Nushio" Rodriguez says:
that the target audience is the same kind of people who wanted the “Old Coke” to come back when Coca-Cola introduced “New Coke” unsuccessfully decades ago.
If you want to known more about this subject, go to this site:

Monday, June 13, 2011

What are Bitcoins?

Bitcoins have been described as “the digital currency of the future” — a new global phenomenon that threatens to challenge all preconceived notions of currency and currency exchange. [...] Worldwide interest in Bitcoins has started to grow almost exponentially in the past few of months.

Economy Watch has nice article that explains what Bitcoins are:

Bitcoin, the new digital currency explained: